Postal Entry Terms and Conditions

You may enter a Competition Prize Draw free of charge by following these conditions:

  1. Send your entry via pre-paid first or second-class post to the Promoter at the following address:
    • Win My Cars, 202 Dudley Road, Halesowen, Birmingham, B63 3NR.
  2. Hand-delivered entries will not be accepted and will not be included in the prize draw.
  3. Your entry must be handwritten and include the following information:
    • Competition details you wish to enter;
    • Your full name;
    • Your date of birth;
    • Your postal address;
    • A contact telephone number;
    • A contact email address;
    • Your answer to any Competition Question specific to the competition you wish to enter.
    • Entrants must create an account on the website to have their free entry processed, and all details must match those on the account.
  4. Incomplete or illegible entries will be disqualified.
  5. Only one free postal entry per household is permitted. Multiple postal entries from the same household will be disqualified.
  6. Bulk entries in one envelope or on one postcard will not be accepted as multiple entries. If a bulk entry is received, it will be counted as a single entry.
  7. Your entry for a Standard Competition must be received by the Promoter before the Closing Date and before all tickets in a Competition have been allocated.
  8. Free entries received within 48 hours of the Closing Date and/or the date on which all tickets have been sold/allocated will not be entered into the selected Competition but may, at the Promoter’s discretion, be entered into the next Competition of a similar value for which entries remain available.
  9. Free entries received after the Closing Date and/or the date on which all tickets have been sold/allocated will not be entered into the selected Competition or any other Competition.
  10. Proof of posting does not guarantee entry into the random draw and will not be accepted as proof of receipt.
  11. Your free entry into a Competition must be received before all tickets have been sold/allocated or, if not all tickets are sold/allocated, within forty-eight (48) hours after the Closing Date to be entered into the Instant Win Competition.
  12. If the number of entries received reaches any cap or limit before your free entry is received, you will not be entered into the Competition or any other Competition.